School Meals/Free School Meals

School Meals

School dinners are cooked daily in All Saints Secondary School kitchen by a team of contract kitchen staff.  At present meals cost £2.18 a day (£10.90 weekly).   With effect from 31st October this will increase to £2.34 per day (£11.70 per week).  We ask parents to send in dinner money on MONDAY morning in the envelopes provided.
Parents may prefer their child to have a packed lunch.  This should be in a rigid plastic container and clearly marked with the child’s name.  We request no glass bottles, cans, sweets, fizzy drinks, hot food including soup, chocolates or chocolate bars.
We require 1 half term’s notice in writing or by informing the school office from you should your child change from a school meal to packed lunch or vice versa.  This is required as the Cook orders provisions in advance.
Trained lunchtime assistants supervise the children during the lunch break with at least one member of the teaching staff available for emergencies.  Children may being a small piece of fruit for morning break but should not bring sweets, chewing gum, biscuits or chocolate to school. Key Stage 1 and Reception children have fruit provided by free to school.
All children are requested to bring a labelled water bottle to school each day.  This should be taken home on a daily basis for washing and refilling with water only.
No children are allowed to leave the school site at lunchtime without prior arrangement with the teacher/head teacher.

The lunches are on a three week rota. Menus from September 22 (starting with week 1) are below.

Menu week 1
Menu week 2
Menu week 3

Valentines_Theme menu 14.02.23

Menus from 27th February 23 (starting with week 1) are below:

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3

Menu for King’s Coronation 05.05.23

Free School Meals

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal under the Universal Free School Meal System.  (If you child prefers you can provide him/her with a packed lunch).
For parents who receive income support, free school meals are also provided and claim forms are available in our school office or directly from Stockton Borough Council Free School Meals department 01642 526605.