Message from the Chair of Governors

Myton Park Primary School Governing Body

‘A short “Hello” Message from the Chair of Governors’

My name is Michelle Ward.  I  am currently Chair of Governors at Myton Primary School and am proud to be associated with this successful school. I have highlighted in this message some of the key features of the functions of the Governing Body.

Should anybody who reads this message feel that they could contribute their time and ability to support the school, either as a Governor, or in another capacity we will be very pleased to hear from you. I can assure you all that supporting Myton Park Primary School is very rewarding.

The school’s Governing Body provides Strategic Leadership; it works with the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team in setting the vision of the school. It is an Accountable Body that helps to maintain and improve standards

The Governing Body agrees future plans, sets and agrees Policies and is creative in ensuring that the use of valuable resources are well directed when setting the school budget.

The members of the Governing Body, who are drawn from different backgrounds, have a range of skills, experiences and knowledge that are harnessed for the benefit of the school. They work together with joint responsibility to ensure the school’s success.

The Full Governing Body and the two main sub committees meet termly. The two main sub committees deal with Resources and School Improvement.  Additional meetings are called if deemed necessary.

The Governor’s role is not one of day to day involvement with the operations of the school, however they do pay regular visits to observe, listen, query and challenge and to act as a critical friend to the Head Teacher.

If you would like further information or would like to have a chat with me, then please contact school.

Kind regards
Michelle Ward
Chair of Governing Body